User Agreement

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Website Administrator invites Users to use the Website or the Mobile Application (As of the current date, the Mobile Application is under development. The Website Administrator will additionally report on the launch of the Mobile Application. The provisions of the Agreement as it relates to the Mobile Application will come into force on the date of the official launch of the Mobile Application)
and its services in order to search for service providers for the transportation of goods and passengers, post advertisements about the need to transport passengers, and goods, provide services for the transportation of passengers and goods, evaluate, leave reviews, and use other services of the Website or Mobile Application on the terms set out herein (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), as well as in the Privacy Policy located at, which is an integral part of the Agreement. All capitalized terms and definitions used throughout the Agreement have the meaning given thereto below and in the Privacy Policy.
1.2. By starting to use the Website or Mobile Application, the User is deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions. This Agreement and the Privacy Policy are accepted when creating an account on the Website or in the Mobile application. In the case of disagreement with the said, further use of the Website and Mobile Application and their services is not permissible. This Agreement is a public offer in accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1.3. By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the User confirms that he is fully legal and capable and has the necessary authority to enter into this Agreement. If the User does not meet the specified conditions, he shall immediately stop using the Website and/or Mobile Application.
1.4. The User independently bears all costs for the Internet connection when using the Website or Mobile Application, for payment of the cost of services of service providers for the transportation of passengers and cargo, bank fees, as well as all any/other expenses associated with the use of the Website or Mobile Application and their functions. The Website Administrator is not responsible for the User’s ability to access the Internet, for the quality of services for the transportation of passengers and cargo, for Internet providers with whom the User has concluded agreements on the provision of Internet access services, as well as for the occurrence of possible problems when using the Website or Mobile Application and the consequences thereof for the User due to the quality of the services of the Internet provider. Moreover, the Website Administrator is not responsible for the quality of passenger and cargo transportation services rendered by providers.
1.5. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the Agreement, the User does not have the right to use the Website or Mobile Application. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User expresses consent to its terms and conditions within the procedure envisaged in Clause 1.2. of the Agreements.
1.6. In accordance with this Agreement, the Website Administrator, through the Website and Mobile Application, provides the following services to Users:
to access the Website and Mobile Application and the right to use them within the existing functions;
to search for the Sender, Carrier, or Passenger in order to receive/provide services for the transportation of passengers and cargo;
to place orders for the receipt of services for the transportation of goods and passengers;
to post information on the provision of services for the transportation of goods and passengers;
to ensure the possibility of leaving feedback about the services rendered/received by service providers through the Website or Mobile Application, about service providers, about the Sender, and about the quality of the service provided by the Website or Mobile Application;
to view statistics offered by the Website or Mobile Application;
to provide the ability to view feedback and ratings of other Users;
to ensure the ability to view order history and amounts paid;
to provide access to the section of the Website or Mobile Application, which contains information about its resources, partner companies, reviews of the services of the Website or Mobile Application; and
to access other resources of the Website. 
1.7. By using the Website or Mobile Application, in several cases registering on the Website or in the Mobile application, the User agrees to receive newsletters from the Administration, including, but not limited to the following: news, notices, notifications, reminders, or warnings related to the use of the Website or Mobile Application via email, WhatsApp or Telegram messengers, or other communication channels, to the address or mobile number specified by the User during the registration process.
1.8. This Agreement may be changed by the Website Administrator at any time without prior notice to Users. The current version of the Agreement is located at The User shall check this Agreement at the specified address as often as once every 365 days a year. If any changes have been made thereto within the procedure envisaged by this Clause of the Agreement, with which the User does not agree, he shall stop using the Website or Mobile Application.
1.9. Terms and definitions used in the text of the Agreement:

Website Administrator – DVL Digital Projects LLP, which has all exclusive property rights to the Website, including rights to the domain name of the Website, Mobile Application, and their administration. The website administrator is authorized to manage the website, collect and process personal data, and determine the purposes of collecting and processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be collected and processed, and actions (operations) performed with personal data.
Website – an Internet resource located on the Internet at the address, through which the Service is provided. The concept of the Website includes its software, design, and database, as well as all its sections and subsections;
Mobile Application – software designed to work on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices in order to provide the possibility to use the services of the Mobile Application.
Service – the TripWithBonus service, available when using the Website at, the Mobile application available for download in the AppStore or GooglePlay, the main function of which is to provide the ability to search for service providers for the transportation of goods, passengers, including joint trips of Passengers, posting advertisements about the need to transport passengers, cargo, and the provision of services for the transportation of passengers and cargo.

Payment System – partner(s) of the System, providing the possibility of non-cash transfer of funds between Users, as well as payment for the services of the Website Administrator.

Carrier – an individual or legal entity, individual entrepreneur, registered on the Website or in the Mobile Application, that provides services for the transportation of goods and/or passengers to Senders and Passengers who ordered such services through the Website or Mobile Application.

Sender – an individual or legal entity or individual entrepreneur who uses the Website and/or Mobile Application to search for a Carrier and places orders for the need to transport his/her cargo.

Passenger – an individual who uses the Website and/or Mobile Application to search for a Carrier for the purpose of transporting him/her by land or air.

User – Carrier, Sender, or Passenger. Only individuals who have reached the age of eighteen can be individual users. The Website Administrator has the right at any time to check this fact and restrict access to Users who have not provided supporting information and/or documents or in cases where the Website Administrator identifies that the previously provided information and/or documents are unreliable.

Transportation - transportation of cargo, a service provided for a fee, in accordance with the agreement between the Carrier and the Sender, for the delivery of the cargo entrusted to him/her to the destination and its delivery to the person authorized to receive the cargo (recipient); passenger transportation, a service provided by the Carrier, in agreement with the Sender, for transporting the Passenger to the destination, and in the case of baggage checked in by the passenger, also for delivering the luggage to the destination and handing it over to the person authorized to receive the baggage.

Location A – the locality, from which the Cargo or Passenger must be taken.

Location B – the locality, to which the Cargo or Passenger must be delivered.

Date - the date, on which the Transportation must be performed.

2. Procedure for Obtaining Services

2.1. In order to be able to use the Website and Mobile Application, the User provides the Site Administrator with personal data to the extent provided for in the Privacy Policy.
2.2. Access to the Service is available through the Website at the address:, using the registration on the Website, as well as through the Mobile Application, available for download in the AppStore and GooglePlay. All Users must register on the Website and in the Mobile Application to fully use the resources of the Service. Registration is performed using the User’s mobile phone number or email, to which the password for authorization is sent, as well as inputting “captcha.” In the future, in order to enter your personal account, the email address used during registration, password, and “captcha” will be used. The User has the right to register only once.
2.3. Registration on the Website or in the Mobile Application and viewing their capabilities are free. The User has the right to register on the Website or in the Mobile Application as a Sender, Passenger, or Carrier. In order to register, the User provides the Website Administrator with a mobile phone number and email.
2.4. The use of the Service by Users is carried out on a paid basis in accordance with the tariff rates established by the Website Administrator, posted at the link, as well as in Appendix 1 to this Agreement. Each plan provides a different set of features as specified in the tariff rates. The user independently determines the tariff rate that is suitable for him/her.
2.5. If the User has several different criteria within the framework of one Transportation, the User selects the appropriate filters (types of shipments, places of departure, etc.) and publishes several advertisements with the relevant criterion.

2.6. Release from liability. Since the main purpose of the Service is to ensure that Users can conveniently find each other and order transportation services through the Service, the Website Administrator is not responsible for the quality of services provided by Carriers, for the safety of cargo and passengers when providing services by Carriers, for the timeliness of provision of services by Carriers, for the accuracy of information provided by Users to each other when using the Service, and for transportation safety. The Website Administrator is exempt from any liability for causing harm to the life or health of Passengers during transportation.
2.7. Obligations and responsibility for the calculation and payment of any taxes, fees, and other payments envisaged by applicable law arising in connection with the provision and receipt of services by Users through the Service are assigned to the payer.

2.8. Payment security
Payment as per tariff rates for using the Service is carried out by bank transfer through the functions of the Payment System connected to the Service as an advance payment.
Users are not entitled to change the selected tariff rates. If there is a need to choose a new tariff rate, such a tariff rate is purchased by the User in accordance with the current rates, while the previous tariff rate is canceled and no refund is made for the previously purchased one. The User is notified of the expiration of the tariff rate by receiving a relevant notification from the Website Administrator sent to the User's email address.
Payment for the services of the Website Administrator for providing the opportunity to use the Service in the event of non-use by the User of the Service is non-refundable.
2.9. The services of Carriers are paid by Passengers and Senders directly in favor of the Carriers within the procedure agreed upon between the Sender/Passengers and the Carrier without the participation of the Website Administrator.
2.10. Payment of tariff rates is possible using bank cards via Visa or MasterCard payment systems. When paying by bank card, payment security is guaranteed by the processing center of Bank CenterCredit JSC. Payments are accepted through a secure connection using the TLS protocol.
2.11. Bank CenterCredit JSC complies with international requirements for ensuring the secure processing of the payer’s bank card details. All confidential data necessary for payment (card details, registration data, etc.) are not received by the Website Administrator. It is processed on the side of the processing center and is completely protected. No one, including the Website Administrator, can obtain the payer’s banking and personal information.
If the bank card supports 3D Secure technology, in order to make a payment, it may be necessary to undergo additional verification of the payer at the issuing bank. To do this, the payer will be directed to the page of the bank that issued the card. The verification procedure is determined by the bank that issued the card.

2.12. The advertisement for Transportation shall contain the following information:
Ad title (it is forbidden to indicate contact information)
Location A
Location B
Weight, type, and dimensions of the Cargo
When specifying the addresses of Location A and Location B, Users indicate the cities or addresses, between which they need to perform Transportation.

By posting advertisements, Users acknowledge that they are solely responsible for their content and warrant that the information provided therein is accurate and binding.
If the User's Advertisement complies with the terms of the Website or Mobile Application, it is published and becomes available for viewing by other Users and visitors to the Website or Mobile Application. The Website Administrator reserves the right, at his/her own discretion and without prior notice, to refuse to publish an advertisement about Transportation or to delete the same if such an advertisement does not comply with the terms of the Website or Mobile Application or contains text that may harm the Website Administrator, the Website, the Mobile Application, other Users, or Services provided.
2.13. 10. Messaging service.
After concluding a Transaction, the User is given access to a messaging service that allows sending and receiving additional information necessary to fulfill obligations under the Transaction between Users. Massaging carried out through the Website Services is not personal. By using this Service, the User accepts the fact that the Website Administrator at any time has the right to read messages sent for the purpose of proper provision of services by the Service.
The User agrees to receive personal messages from the Website Administrator at any time and of any nature, including advertising. The Website Administrator reserves the right to supplement the text of messages sent by Users with advertising materials. At the same time, the Website Administrator does not moderate (preview, evaluate, and filter) messages sent by Users to each other.
Users are prohibited from using the Personal Messaging Service for:
sending vulgar and offensive expressions;
propaganda of hatred, violence, discrimination, racism, xenophobia, or interethnic conflicts;
calls for violence and illegal actions;
violation of personal (non-property) or property rights of third parties;
carrying out actions that promote fraud, deception, or breach of trust;
carrying out actions that facilitate transactions with stolen or counterfeit items;
carrying out actions that violate or encroach on the property of third parties, trade secrets, or the right to privacy;
use of private or personal information about other persons without the express consent of these persons;
use of information containing details that infringe on privacy and offend someone’s honor, dignity, or business reputation;
slandering or threatening anyone;
posting information of a pornographic nature;
posting information harmful to minors;
posting false and misleading information;
distribution of viruses or any other technologies that could harm the Website, Mobile Application, Website Administrator, or other Users;
posting information about services considered immoral, such as: prostitution or other forms that are contrary to morality or law;
posting information or links to sites that compete with the Service;
posting information that constitutes “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or unsolicited or deceptive commercial advertising;
posting information distributed by news agencies;
posting information offering to earn money on the Internet, without indicating a physical address or direct contacts of the employer;
posting information offering a franchise, multi-level and network marketing, agency activities, sales representation, or any other activity that requires the recruitment of other members, subagents, sub-distributors, etc.;
posting information of an advertising nature only, without offering a specific product or service; and
posting information that otherwise violates applicable laws.
3. Rights and Obligations

3.1. The User has the right to:
3.1.1. access to the resources of the Website or Mobile Application;
3.1.2. use the services and resources provided by the Website or Mobile Application, as well as use paid, free, and additional services under the conditions established by the Website Administrator;
3.1.3. stop using the Service at any time;
3.1.4. transfer Confidential Information to the Site Administrator to perform actions necessary to use the Service;
3.1.5. refuse to receive information messages by sending a notification to the Website Administrator at the email address:; and
3.1.6. contact technical support of the Service with questions, complaints, and suggestions related to the operation of the Service using the feedback form on the Website or in the Mobile Application.

3.2. The User shall:
3.2.1. avoid uploading, transmitting, or posting/distributing through the Website or Mobile Application any information that is illegal, including propaganda of violence, cruelty, hatred, and/or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, or religious grounds, contains insults to any persons and elements of pornography, and is an advertisement for services of a sexual nature;
3.2.2. avoid uploading, transmitting, or posting/distributing through the Website or Mobile Application any advertising information, spam, online earnings systems, or other similar information;
3.2.3. avoid changing or allowing changes to any files belonging to the Website Administrator or other Users that are part of the Website or the Mobile Application;
3.2.4. avoid violating the intellectual property rights of the Website Administrator, as well as third parties, when using the Website or Mobile Application, as well as their resources;
3.2.5. when using the Service, avoid violating the rules of applicable law and the rights of third parties, and causing harm to them in any form, as well as comply with ethical standards of behavior;
3.2.6. indicate his/her accurate personal information, and when using the Website or Mobile Application, do not use personal data of third parties without obtaining their consent in accordance with the procedure established by applicable law;
3.2.7. in order to timely learn about changes made to the Agreement, check the same at the address indicated above at least once every 365 days a year;
3.2.8. stop using the Website or Mobile Application in cases envisaged by this Agreement;
3.2.9. provide reliable, relevant, accurate, and complete information when using the Website or Mobile Application. At the same time, the User agrees that the Website Administrator is not obliged to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User;
3.2.10. avoid acting on behalf of another real or existing person, indicating personal information of third parties, and using information of third parties in any other way that does not comply with the requirements of applicable law. The User is responsible for these actions, including those that caused damage to the Service;
3.2.11. avoid transferring his/her own login and/or password for access to the personal account to third parties and be responsible for the confidentiality of such information;
3.2.12. immediately notify the Website Administrator of changes in his/her data provided during the registration on the Website or Mobile Application, including changes in bank account numbers. The user bears the risk of such failure to notify or untimely notification of changes in his/her data; and
3.2.13. comply with other terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part hereof.

3.3. The Carrier shall:
3.3.1 properly and timely provide transportation services to Senders and Passengers in compliance with the requirements of applicable legislation;
3.3.2. compensate for damage caused to the Passenger or Sender during the provision of services in accordance with the requirements of applicable law; and
3.3.3. fulfill other obligations in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.

4. Rights and Obligations of the Website Administrator

4.1. The Website Administrator has the right to:
4.1.1. unilaterally limit, change, terminate, or resume the provision of paid, free, or additional services without prior notice to the User;
4.1.2. manage the Website or Mobile Application exclusively at his/her sole discretion, with the right to modify or change the content of the Website or Mobile Application, suspend or change the conditions of access to the Website or Mobile Application, and carry out preventive maintenance on his/her hardware and software system without prior notice to the User;
4.1.3. at any time change the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the provision of services and/or their content, including changing tariff rates unilaterally, introduce fees for the services of the Service, which until this moment, were provided free of charge;
4.1.4. at any time, at his/her discretion, delete or, with the consent of the User, change any information posted by the User on the Website or in the Mobile Application if, from the point of view of the Website Administrator or applicable law, such information is unacceptable, undesirable, or violates this Agreement;
4.1.5. collect statistical data and track and save information about Users under the conditions established by the Privacy Policy;
4.1.6. request, collect, and store data from User accounts to the extent necessary to provide services under the conditions established by the Privacy Policy;
4.1.7. send to Users via email, WhatsApp or Telegram messengers, or other communication channels any information relating to the operation of the Website or Mobile Application, including, but not limited to the following: news, notices, notifications, reminders, warnings;
4.1.8. create, post, and publish messages and notifications of an information and news nature on the Website or in the Mobile Application, as well as inform about any changes to the Website or Mobile Application and resources thereof, about new partners of the Service, events, or ongoing technical work;
4.1.9. in the case of a violation by the User of any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, without notifying the User, unilaterally limit the User’s access to all or a part of the functions of the Service;
4.1.10. transfer data about the User who violates the Agreement or applicable law to law enforcement or other authorized authorities; and
4.1.11. delete User advertisements:
in the case of a violation by the User of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
if the ad title and/or text fields contain the User’s contact information;
this User already has an active similar advertisement on the Website or in the Mobile Application;
the information contained in the advertisement contradicts this Agreement and/or applicable law;
the information contained in the advertisement is not true;
the ad title contains repeated exclamation and question marks, ellipses, and other marks;
the ad title contains a link to Internet resources; and
in connection with complaints received by the Website Administrator from other Users, holders of proprietary intellectual rights, and/or requests from government bodies and organizations.
4.2. 4.2. The Website Administrator shall:
4.2.1. in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, provide the User with the opportunity to use the resources of the Website or Mobile Application;
4.2.2. comply with data protection requirements in full compliance with the Privacy Policy; and
4.2.3. post all necessary information about changes to this Agreement, tariff rates, terms and conditions of the Agreement, and other conditions by posting information on the Website in the FAQ section. 

5. Exclusive Rights to the Website and Mobile Application

5.1. All objects available through the Website or Mobile Application, including design elements, graphic images, illustrations, training and other videos, software for using the Website, databases, and other objects (hereinafter referred to as the "Content"), as well as any content posted on the Website or in the Mobile Application are subject to the exclusive rights of the Website Administrator. All copyright, related, and other rights to the Website or Mobile Application are owned by the Website Administrator and are protected by applicable legislation and international law. Unauthorized use of the Website or Mobile Application or elements thereof is prohibited.
5.2. The conclusion of this Agreement cannot be regarded as an assignment of any rights from the Website Administrator to the User to any components of the Website or Mobile Application.
5.3. The use of the Content, as well as any other elements of the Website or Mobile Application is possible only within the framework of the proposed functionality. No elements of the Content of the Website or Mobile Application, as well as any content posted on the Website or in the Mobile Application, may be used in any other way without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Exceptions are made in cases expressly envisaged by law or this Agreement.

6. Websites and information posted on the Website and in the Mobile Application by third parties

6.1. If the Website or Mobile Application contains links to other sites, these links are provided to the User exclusively as an example and to provide additional information. This does not mean that the Website Administrator endorses or recommends the specified site(s) and does not imply that the Website Administrator is responsible for the content of this(these) site(s).
6.2. A link or mention on the Website or in the Mobile Application of a third-party product, service, or other information also does not constitute an approval or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by the Website Administrator unless it is expressly indicated on the Website.
6.3. 6.3. The Website Administrator is also not responsible for any information and materials posted on the Website or in the Mobile application by third parties (other Users), to which the User gains access using the Website or Mobile application, including for any opinions or statements expressed on Website or Mobile Application, advertising, etc.

7. Responsibility of the Parties

7.1. The Website Administrator is not liable to the User under any circumstances for any direct and (or) indirect damage, lost profits, damage to reputation, or other harm that may be caused to the User in connection with the use of the Website or Mobile application or the inability to use the same in connection with receiving services from other Users. The Website Administrator is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to the User or other third parties, including as a result of:
- use or inability to use the resources of the Website.
7.2. 7.2. The Website Administrator does not make any express or implied guarantees that Users will be or will be not provided with high-quality services.
7.3. The Website Administrator has the right to set restrictions on the use of the Website or Mobile application for all Users, or for certain categories of Users. The User is independently responsible to third parties for his/her actions related to the use of the Website or Mobile Application, including if such actions lead to a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as for compliance with the law when using the Website or Mobile Application.
7.4. 7.4. If paid services are provided to the User, the Website Administrator does not reimburse or refund the money paid for services, even if they had not been used by the User.
7.5. The Website Administrator is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the User performed or published while using the Website or Mobile Application.
7.6. The Website Administrator is not responsible for damage caused to the User's mobile device or third parties, for loss of data, or any other harm that occurred when the User downloaded information and/or materials using the Website or Mobile Application.
7.7. 7.7. The Website Administrator is not responsible to the User for the actions of other Users.
7.8. The Website Administrator is not responsible for temporary technical failures and interruptions in the operation of the Website or Mobile Application, for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of communication lines, or other similar failures, as well as for malfunctions of the mobile device, with which the User uses the Service.
7.9. The Website Administrator does not recommend Users or their services, does not oblige or encourage them to use their services, and does not encourage anybody to pay for their services. The Website Administrator does not verify the accuracy of information about Users. All specified information is provided independently and under their responsibility.

8. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

8.1. 8.1. Issues and conditions not specified in this Agreement are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
8.2. All disputes between the parties under this Agreement are subject to resolution through correspondence and negotiations using the pre-trial (claim) procedure. And if it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties through negotiations, consideration of the dispute shall be submitted by any party concerned to the court at the place of registration of the Website Administrator in accordance with the procedural and substantive law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1. 9.1. This Agreement constitutes an arrangement between the User and the Website Administrator regarding the procedure for using the Website or Mobile Application and the provision of services envisaged by this Agreement and replaces all previous arrangements between the parties.
9.2. From the moment of starting to use the Website or Mobile Application, the User becomes a party to the Agreement. The Agreement is valid until its termination at the initiative of the Website Administrator or at the initiative of the User. The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.   
9.3. The Website Administrator has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally out of court at any time with the cancellation of the possibility to use the Website and Mobile Application.
9.4. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment of a joint activity relationship, a personal employment relationship, or any other relationship not expressly envisaged in the Agreement between the User and the Website Administrator.
9.5. The invalidity of one or more terms and conditions of the Agreement, if recognized within the prescribed procedure and by a court decision that has entered into force, does not entail the invalidity of the Agreement as a whole for the parties. If one or more provisions of the Agreement are recognized as invalid in the prescribed manner, the parties undertake to fulfill all other obligations assumed under the Agreement.
9.6. This Agreement is drawn up in Russian and in some cases may be provided to the User for review in another language. If any discrepancies are identified between the version of the Agreement in Russian and the version of the Agreement in another language, the provisions of the version of this Agreement written in Russian shall apply.

Details of the Website Administrator:
DVL Digital Projects LLP
BIN 240240008734
Address: 133/8 Gagarin Avenue, building 133/8, Ap. 119,
Bostandyk District, Almaty 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan
Bank details:

Appendix 1 to the User Agreement


1. “Lite” - “Free,” and after the end of the promotion period – KZT 1,490 (USD 3)
The tariff rate is valid for 24 hours from the moment of payment

The tariff includes:
- View contacts;
- Placing applications; and
- Notifications by e-mail about new offers based on specified criteria.

2. “Standard” - KZT 4,490 (USD 9)
The tariff is valid for 7 days from the date of payment

The tariff includes:
- View contacts;
- Placing applications;
- Notifications by e-mail about new offers based on specified criteria;
- Highlighting applications with color (3 applications maximum);
- Raising a request for 5 times.

3. “Premium” - KZT 24,490 (USD 49)
The tariff is valid for 3 calendar months from the date of payment

The tariff includes:
- View contacts;
- Placing applications;
- Push notifications;
- Notifications by e-mail about new offers based on specified criteria;
- Highlighting applications with color (20 applications maximum);
- Raising an application for 70 times