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Communicate, transport parcels and get bonuses
How it works?
About the Trip With Bonus service
Trip With Bonus - is a service that connects the sender of the parcel and the carrier. You can place an ad for the transportation of a parcel and carriers from all over the world will respond to your ad or using the search on the website to find a carrier who will be ready to take your parcel and deliver it to the specified place by land or air transport. If you travel frequently or on the road, you can transport parcels yourself and at the same time receive bonuses and thanks.
Direct contact with the carrier/sender
Mutually beneficial cooperation
Tariff plans for every taste and purse.
Ability to build logistics independently
Ease and accessibility of using the service
Communication and new acquaintances
How it works?

Find the sender

Go to the Trip With Bonus website and to search for a sender fill in the data in the form at the top of the page.

Contact the sender

Open contacts on the website and arrange a meeting place and transportation conditions. If you have not found any ads about the senders according to your request, you can place your ad using the form in your personal account.

Receive the package

Meet, get acquainted and receive the package
Free of charge
Period: 24 часа
  • e-mail notification of carrier availability by specified criteria
  • placing requests
  • viewing contacts
  • push notifications
  • application highlighting by color (20 applications) + 70 raises
  • highlighting requests by color (3 requests) + 5 raises
*A request to the technical support service has been received
Period: period 7 days
  • e-mail notification of carrier availability by specified criteria
  • placing requests
  • viewing contacts
  • highlighting requests by color (3 requests) + 5 raises
  • push notifications
  • application highlighting by color (20 applications) + 70 raises
*A request to the technical support service has been received
Period: 3 month
  • push notifications
  • e-mail notification of carrier availability by specified criteria
  • placing requests
  • viewing contacts
  • application highlighting by color (20 applications) + 70 raises
  • highlighting requests by color (3 requests) + 5 raises
*A request to the technical support service has been received